Accountability of the Board
The Rider Sport Association Ltd trading as Rider Sport Australia is a limited liability company registered with ASIC. The Board is accountable for ensuring the continued viability of the Company, setting its strategic direction and monitoring its affairs.
As the Company receives some funding in the form of grants and donations, the Board has a further responsibility to ensure the funds are expended effectively and for the stated purposes. The Board reviews and approves the Company's three-year strategic plan and policies set out in Company rules. Day to day management of the Company's affairs and implementation of Board plans and policies are delegated to the CEO and senior management.
Functions of the Board
- Setting three-year goals for the Company
- Approving annual plans and budgets to achieve these goals
- Monitoring business performance and results
- Approving major management recommendations such as expenditure over $50,000, building plans, establishment of subsidiaries and major fundraising initiatives
- Appointing and reviewing the performance of the CEO and senior management
- Reporting to members on the Company's direction and performance
- Meeting statutory and regulatory requirements and ensuring the Company acts prudently and responsibly in managing business risk and its assets.
Composition of the Board
The Board are all volunteers receiving no remuneration. The CEO is not a member of the Board.
The Company Constitution requires the Board to retire after Three years at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Retiring Board Members may offer themselves for re-election.
In the event of a vacancy occurring on the Board during the year, the Board may appoint a person to fill the vacancy, with the appointee retiring at the time that the person he/she replaced would have done.
Voting Rights
The right to vote at general meetings of the Company is restricted to serving and retiring committee members, or the proxies of any of them.
Board Policies
Board polices on significant issues are set out in a document entitled Company Rules, which is posted to a secure website accessible by management together with a copy of the Company's Code of Conduct.
The RSA Corporate Policies document outlines the long, medium and short-term vision and corporate policies for RSA in Australia for the coming decade.
Board Meetings
The Board usually meets in Brisbane once every month except in December, but special meetings may be called as required.
Indemnity of Officers
The directors and officers of the Company are indemnified against actions taken unless these are undertaken negligently or in bad faith.
Conflicts of Interest
The law requires Board Members with a material interest in any matter under consideration by the Board, to declare that interest to the Board Members permit otherwise. Should they be permitted to stay, they are not permitted to vote on the issue in which they have an interest.
The Company's objectives and goals for the next three years are set out elsewhere in this report. In view of the diversity of the Company and the varying needs of each location in which an RSA Subsidiary operates, a state-wide plan is not produced each year. Instead, each Subsidiary is required to produce an annual business plan and budget addressing the Company's goals by implementing strategies that meet the needs of its community.
These Subsidiary Company plans are monitored in each region and by Company Management on a bi-monthly basis, and are flexible enough to respond to emerging or changing needs.