The RSA has Partnered with OTTA Insurance to get the RSA a traditional insurance policy so we can sanction every type of competitive (racing), noncompetitive (practice/ testing), active recreation (pleasure) activity involving powered (motorcycle, Trike, quad, UTV) and unpowered (bicycle, tricycle, quadricycle) vehicles, which are ridden. This is not just for Australia, we can do this anywhere in the world!
Liability insurance helps to ensure that event organisers and their volunteers are covered against claims from third parties if an incident happens during an event. The RSA's policy certificates, schedules and wordings will be available for download on the Policy Documents page shortly.
For the protection of participants and all those involved in the management of registered and insured events as detailed in the Events Calendar, the RSA will provide through its public liability insurance policy, an indemnity, limited to $20,000,000 for legal liabilities arising from claims made against an event organiser or official that involves either bodily injury or property damage to a third party. For events held in stadiums or other areas where a significant number of spectators are expected, the RSA can simply apply for a public liability insurance limit extension for the specific event and pay an additional premium, eg. if a stadium is owned by the government and requires $50M cover.
In the unlikely event that a claim is directed at an event official ‘as an individual', rather than as a representative of an event, the RSA will also provides to that individual the benefit of ‘Directors & Officers Liability' insurance which provides indemnity against ‘wrongful acts'* committed by ‘individuals' acting on behalf of an event held under the auspices of the RSA.
* ‘Wrongful act' shall mean any actual or alleged breach of trust, breach of duty, neglect, error, misstatement, misleading statement, omission, breach of warranty of authority or other act wrongfully committed or attempted by the Official in the course of performing his/ her duties as an Official.
All RSA volunteers including coaches and officials will also be covered by the RSA's voluntary workers personal Accident insurance policy, which will provide financial compensation and cover for defined out-of-pocket expenses if an accident results in the injury or death of a volunteer whilst performing their role or while they were travelling to or from that work. Voluntary worker benefits will include:
- Lump sum compensation for injury to volunteers resulting in broken bones;
- Weekly benefits for volunteers who are injured and unable to work in their usual occupation;
- Cover for non-Medicare medical expenses up to a set limit; and
- Home help, rehabilitation and a range of benefits designed to assist volunteers that have been injured in their activities.
The condition of the RSA getting a traditional insurance policy is that we will have our member owned insurance solution operational by the second year's insurance renewal. Read more about the RSA's nontraditional insurance solution >>