An RSA Subsidiary is a direct, not for profit daughter company of the RSA National Company and is automatically covered with all of the RSA's insurance policies, ie. public liability, associations liability, etc and property cover, which protects those RSA Subsidiary Companies that have assets located at their facility such as buildings, equipment, fencing, etc.
RSA has State Subsidiary Companies (State Subs) as well as Local Subsidiary Companies (Local Subs). The Boards of all State Subs and Local Subs are controlled by the RSA Parent Company. The RSA Parent Company does NOT permit any existing club that does NOT recognise it as the Parent Company to be a part of the RSA group.
If a non RSA club would like to be a part of the RSA group, it can change its constitution to comply with the requirements of being an RSA Local Sub, or register a new RSA Local Sub and transfer assets from the previous organisation and wind it up. Alternatively a non RSA club can merge with the relevant RSA National Company, which would register a trading name with ASIC in the name of the old club and form a sub committee to operate the facility/ activities as usual, but without any of the management and financial burden of a stand alone club.
An RSA State Sub is a direct, Not For Profit (NFP) daughter company of the RSA Parent Company, which only has a volunteer Board of 3 persons as nominated by the RSA Parent Company. The purpose of a State Sub is to support Local Subs with funding sourced from State grants.
An RSA Local Sub is also a direct, NFP daughter company of the RSA Parent Company, which means it has a Board as any normal club does, but unlike traditional clubs, which have voting members and a board, an RSA Local Sub does not have these voting members. Local Subs are NOT owned or controlled by an RSA State Sub.
All members join the RSA membership company only and an entitlement of membership is to participate in the activities and events promoted by the RSA National Company, or RSA State Subs or RSA Local Subs.
All RSA Local Subs are automatically covered with all of the group's insurance policies, ie. public liability, associations liability, etc and property cover which automatically covers those RSA Local Subs that have facility assets such as buildings, equipment, fencing, etc. Learn more about RSA Local Subs >>
Membership Pro category listing of Subsidiary Companies below