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RSA Event Promoters are commercial organisations that provide Promoter Services, which includes raising awareness about RSA sanctioned events and getting people excited about attending them. Promoters also manage publicity and advertising of the specified RSA sanctioned events and depending on the event, they may also handle ticket sales, event admission, booking of trainers, entertainers, vendors, etc.

An RSA Event Promoter can associate with the RSA National Company, or RSA State or Local Companies. Event Promoters are experienced commercial organisations that are contracted by the relevant RSA national, state or local company to promote specific RSA sanctioned events or series of events.

An RSA Event Promoter does NOT organise RSA events, only volunteer RSA certified officials organise RSA sanctioned events. Event Promoters are insured as contractors by the RSA’s insurer for providing Promoter Services only! Continue reading about RSA Event Promoters >>

Membership Pro category listing of Event Promoters below


  • RIDE PARK 1 Coming soon! Watch this space.
  • RIDE PARK 2 Coming soon! Watch this space.
  • RIDE PARK3 Coming soon! Watch this space.