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Managing Competitive and Noncompetitive, Powered and Unpowered Rider Sport

Rider Sport Australia (RSA) is a member based service organisation, which has been established to serve participants and organisers of rider sport events, which include powered and unpowered vehicles that are ridden. RSA has been created by professionals that think outside the box and what has been built is a very unique organisation, which both APRA and global approved insurers are happy to work with.

The structure of RSA is not like any sporting body before it. The group is made up of a national governing body plus state and local companies, which are not for profit subsidiaries of the national company. Local subsidiary companies are NOT connected to their respective state bodies but are daughter companies of the national company to make the governance of the group far cleaner and easier. This structure is to remove any and all 'middle management' issues, which we have all seen and experienced with many traditional sporting bodies in Australia.

Our insurer will NOT permit the RSA to 'extend' cover to any club through affiliation that does NOT recognise it as the parent company. All subsidiary companies are automatically covered with all of the group's insurance policies, ie. protector liability, cyber liability and of course public liability. Included in the groups insurance is property cover to protect facility assets owned by any RSA subsidiaries, ie. tracks, fences, buildings, etc.

RSA is just one company in a larger sport and recreation group

Camping and Outdoors Australia (COA), COA Cooperative (COC), Driver Sport Australia (DSA) and Rider Sport Australia (RSA)

What sets the RSA apart from other organisations that have come and gone before it is that our operations are global. Some countries where we will be operating have a smaller population compared to others, this means the higher populated countries where we will operate can produce significantly more income for our insurer, therefore 'propping up' the lower income earning countries such as Australia.

All forms of driver and rider sport and recreation are inherently dangerous, particularly motorcycling! So to ensure motorcycle sport and recreation will always have a home in Australia, we will be including powered and unpowered rider activities to diversify the income produced for our insurer, therefore helping to 'prop up' the powered activities which may produce more claims than the unpowered activities.

Our insurer also provides cover for RSA's sister company, Camping and Outdoors Australia (COA), which among other services, provides programs for Campgrounds (caravan parks and private camps), Operators (auto and moto tours), and Accommodation (backpacker hostels and country pubs). These additional activities are considered a significantly lower risk for our insurer and will therefore  help to 'prop up' the driver and rider sport and recreation activities, which may incur claims.

Plus the group includes another sister company, which is a distributing co-operative where members can own shares in land and therefore be part owners of facilities, to help ensure driver and rider sport and recreation will always have a home in Australia!!

And within the first years of operation, we will be establishing a Discretionary Mutual Fund (DMF) for the entire group, which is an insurance-like product that will 'share' the risk with our insurer to ensure the continuity of campgrounds, tour operators, accommodation providers, driver and rider sport and recreation and particularly motorcycle sport and recreation in Australia.

We will be releasing more information shortly, but in the meantime if you are industry related we will need your help. With your support, together we will ensure the future of your business in Australia. To partner with our group, please Register your interest to partner with us >>

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Gummi bears caramels donut carrot cake carrot cake chupa chups bonbon tootsie roll.

Gummi bears caramels donut carrot cake carrot cake chupa chups bonbon tootsie roll.

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Wednesday, 26 June 2024


  • RIDE PARK 1 Coming soon! Watch this space.
  • RIDE PARK 2 Coming soon! Watch this space.
  • RIDE PARK3 Coming soon! Watch this space.